Do you need a replacement boating card? Need to update your name or address no worries. Simply follow the instruction below. Your card number is NOT required.

One card only $19.99 + tax
Two cards only $29.99 + tax
(Shipping included)
Please note that we can only replace your boating license if you have successfully passed your boating exam with us or if you have a letter from Transport Canada that states you have passed your boating exam with another course provider.
Update Your Name
To request a change of name or request a correction please follow the name change instructions.
Update Your Address
To update your address please follow the update address instructions.
Order Replacement Cards
To receive a replacement card from Better Boating Safe Boat Training® please complete and submit the following application.
When your information matches a record in our data base you should receive a reply email containing further instructions on how to proceed with replacing your Pleasure Craft Operator Card (Boat license). The reply email will also serve as temporary certificate until your official card arrives in the mail.
One of the most common reasons for not receiving a reply email from Better Boating Safe Boat Training® is that the email address supplied on the application is incomplete or incorrect. Should you not receive a reply, we ask that you please check your spam or junk mail folder, before contacting us.
First Name
Last Name
Your Date of Birth
Your Phone
Your Email Address
Confirm Email