1. Complete the online course
Study the online course material that includes quizzes and interactive animations. After completing the timed course, you’ll advance to the timed Transport Canada Boating Safety Test. No need to worry, if you don’t pass your first time. After 24 hours, you’ll have one more attempt to pass the test.
2. Pass the Transport Canada Boating Safety Test and Go Boating
After passing the 50 question multiple choice Transport Canada Boating Safety Test, you can print your Temporary Boating License and get out on the water.
3. Getting Your Permanent PCOC
Your lifetime Canada Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) will arrive by mail in 4-6 weeks. The Canadian PCOC is accepted in Manitoba and all other provinces. Better Boating Safe Boat Training® makes getting a Manitoba boating license easy.
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Discover Boating Manitoba Canada!
Manitoba has a saltwater coastline bordering Hudson Bay and contains more than 100,000 lakes. Whether it's waterskiing on beautiful Lake Winnipeg the tenth largest fresh water lake in the world or fishing for trophy pike to the north, Manitoba is a boater's paradise!
Do I need a Manitoba Boating License?
You may have heard the term Manitoba Boat Licence, Canadian Boating License or Manitoba Boaters Card and that you need one of them or a driver's license to operate your boat in Manitoba. What is really required is the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) often referred to as a boating licence. Since it is regulated by Transport Canada under the Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations, it is valid across Canada, and is the only card that is required to operate a powered pleasure vessel in Canada. You can get the Pleasure Craft Operator Card by taking the Better Boating Safe Boat Training ® online safe boating course today!
What About Crossing the Border?
Canada and the United States have similar mandatory boater education requirements and many U.S states will accept the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) as proof of competency. On the Canadian side of the border Canada will accept boating education cards that are issued by a state that meets the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) requirements as proof of competency.
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